I need some ideas and I'm hoping you, my dear readers (all two of you) can help me out!
We're having this awesome Super Bowl party this Sunday and I want to have some games planned. Yes, party games can be dorky; but, that's what makes them fun! I think adults need to loosen up -- the world and life is too serious as it is -- and remember what it's like to be a kid at a party! Party favors? Check! Games? Check!! Prizes? CHECK!!!
So, I don't want to just "take" -- that's so greedy and *so* '90's! I would like to "give" --- I will share three of my more popular party games with you; then I hope in turn, you will share with me! Niiiiiice!
The Mummy Game
The only embarrassing part of this game is for the host/hostess... heading to the store and buying many, many rolls of t.p. can get you some strange looks.
Buy enough rolls so there is at least one roll for every two people. The cheapie stuff is good because it breaks/tears which makes the game interesting!
Everyone gets into teams of two and are given one, or preferably two, rolls of t.p. One person is the "dispenser" and the other person will be the "mummy." The goal of the game is to be the first to wrap the mummy-person completely from head-to-toe... sounds easy; but here's the kicker...
The dispenser-person can not aid in the wrapping in anyway other than holding the roll; the mummy-person must spin around in place! The dispenser may bend and move their arms up and down so that the t.p. can be wrapped from the feet to the head; but in no way may the dispenser wrap their arms or hand around the mummy to aid in the wrapping process!
Bad wraps don't count! Ideally, none of the mummy-person should show through the new wrapping! However, you need to keep your guests in mind -- a bunch of young, agile guests should be held to the tightest rules as this may be quite easy for the whipper-snappers! Us older folks can be clumsy, drunk, slow and/or have a wicked inner ear infection! For them, you might want to ease-up on the rules... unconscious guests are not fun guests!
Cotton Ball Drop
All you need for this is 10 cotton balls per player and some vasoline. Yes, vasoline.
I like to play this game in the kitchen or somewhere there is a counter or bar-height table because this seems best and easiest for the players.
In front of each player, place a pile of 10 cotton balls. Then, place a small dab of vasoline on the tip of each player's nose.
The goal of this game is to be the first player to "pick up" and drop all ten cotton balls (one at a time) to the floor ONLY USING THEIR NOSE!!!! No hands, no mouth, no nuttin'! Noses only!
This usually is not a close game because everybody feels so silly and are laughing; there's often just one focused player who pulls it off! But what's great is, it's not so hard "picking up" the cotton balls as it is dropping them!
I just always keep a small bag of ice on hand -- the first time *I* played, I got a bit aggressive and slammed my forehead into the counter. No one else but me has ever done that; but I think the ice is a good idea -- Be Prepared!
I.D. The Candy Bar
This one is fun, easy and a great conversation starter!
You'll need six small microwave-safe plates, six candy bars, pen or pencil and piece of paper for every player.
First, number the plates and correspond one candy per plate... record this on paper and keep hidden. Next, you're going to melt each candy bar beyond recognition in the microwave. I like to do this the day before the party, as this can make the house smell like burnt chocolate... I just put the melted blobs in the fridge until the party and this gives the place a chance to air out!
Use your imagine with this game, because the weirder the candy, the better!
Then, I have the candies placed somewhere with paper and pens nearby and as guests arrive, they can peruse the mounds-of-huh? and try to guess what they are! I give the players a list of the actual candy bars I melted and throw in three or four extra to confuse them... but at least this gives everybody a chance to pick some correct answers even if they're not avid candy bar consumers. Whoever has the most correct answers, wins! Yay!
So, there are my three games.
Bring it on!