Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I Hate George W. Bush.

Why didn't I know about this???


CindyB said...

Does ANYBODY read my blog?!? And not like "Anybody -Are-Somebody-According-To-Somebody" but like "Anybody-Anybody?-Any One Person?-Hello?"

CindyB said...

You can't edit a comment; damn. OK, it's supposed to be "...'Anybody-IS-Somebody..."

Cait said...

That game is awesome. Now I really wish I'd been drinking last night while watching the state of the union instead of watching reruns of Bruno and Carrie Ann's Dance Off.

Cait said...

P.S. Give it time, lady. It will probably take your devoted fans a good 6 days to get around to a new post, but that doesn't mean they don't love you!!